Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tattoo Removal By Laser: Are You Sure This is the Method You Want to Use?

You probably already know that there are many different ways to remove a tattoo. If you are reading this article, you are probably trying to figure out how to get rid of your unwanted tattoo. Even though tattoo removal by laser is the most common way used, there are many options to remove your tattoo.

You might want to remove your tattoo because you don’t like it anymore and feel embarrassed by it. You might have outgrown it, and it is not you anymore. You are probably tired of trying to hide it with clothes and hoping that it is not noticed. Just knowing that you have it is probably causing you discomfort.

Don’t feel that you are alone. Tattoo removal is a growing industry. Many people who once thought it was a very good idea to get a tattoo don’t want to have it anymore after a while. In fact, 50 percent of people with tattoos end up removing them. They feel it is one of the worst mistakes they have made and really want it gone.

There are about 15 different options to remove your tattoo. From surgery, to tattoo removal by laser, to creams, each one has its advantages and its disadvantages. Tattoo removal by laser is expensive and can leave scars.

Don’t make a rush decision. Even though tattoo removal by laser is more popular, you might want to investigate your other options to see if they fit you better. Really think about this for a moment. This is another important decision for you, and you want to get it right this time.

Whether tattoo removal by laser or any other means, you will probably feel a lot better once you have it done. Wearing anything you want will probably take on a whole new meaning for you.

Here is the #1 recommended guide for removal of tattoos which can help you in making an informed decision.

Discover 15 proven methods that work to remove your unwanted tattoo and find the answers to all your tattoo removal questions, whether tattoo removal by laser, or any other means.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

6 Reasons for Removal of Tattoos: So Long Tattoos

There are as many different reasons for removal of tattoos as there are for tattoo acquisition. People get tattoos all the time. Some do it more consciously than others. However, many who have even thought about it for a long time still regret their tattoo after a while and end up removing it.

Here are some of the more evident reasons why people get tattooed and why they remove their tattoos:

1. Vow to a loved one. Sometimes people stamp the name of a loved one on their skin. It represents a vow of fidelity to that person. Blinded by love? Well, yes. So when the romance ends, the tattoo is still there. And when you move on to another relationship, it is not so cool to have a tattoo with someone else’s name.

2. Gang related affiliation. Some people join street gangs and it is the custom to tattoo the name of that gang on themselves. This again represents their vow to their affiliation with that group. Again, many people outgrow this association and get out of these gangs. Having these tattoos is not a great way of being accepted in society.

3. Rebellion. Many people go through a stage of rebellion, especially in their teen years, and into their twenties. They get a tattoo as a sign of rebelliousness and of breaking away from society. Later on, they grow up and sometimes reconcile themselves with society and become an integral part of it. Their tattoo is part of their past which they have outgrown.

4. Peer pressure. Some people feel it’s the in thing to get a tattoo because many of their friends are getting them. It’s the cool thing to do. They might enjoy their tattoo. However, later on they might get involved in a relationship with someone who doesn’t really like tattoos and who feels that tattoos carry a negative social stigma. They often face pressure from this person to remove their tattoo.

5. Personal Identity. Some people need to feel some level of personal identity and uniqueness and this makes them acquire a tattoo. There is a sense of having your own body art which satisfies this feeling. After a while, this person doesn’t need to feel that sense of uniqueness anymore, or to be identified with this body art. They come to regret having done this permanent inking on their body.

6. Spiritual Symbolims. Tattoos convey inner meanings that people identify with. Sometimes they can convey dreams, feelings, or fantasies. As you evolve, what once had meaning to you may no longer hold any meaning.

In short, whether it is to commemorate an occasion, to remember a person, for the art, or for the meaning, people get tattoos for millions of reasons. It is a fad, but one which has been around for quite a while.

Removal of tattoos is on the rise. Fifty percent of those who get tattooed end up removing their tattoo. Since tattoos are meant to be permanent, tattoo removal is not guaranteed. There are many methods of tattoo removal, and each one works differently.

Learn about 15 different methods for removal of tattoos, and which one would work for you. Don’t suffer with that unwanted tattoo anymore. Once you know your options, you will be able to make a good decision and remove your tattoo once and for all.

Why Back Tattoo Removal is on the Rise

Back tattoo removal, as well as tattoo removal in general, is on the rise. Fifty percent of the people who get tattoos end up removing them. Even though it is sometimes a very painful process of removal, for some people having gotten a tattoo is a very big regret, and they are determined to remove this unwanted tattoo.

Lower back tattoos became pretty popular with women in the 1990s. With low rise jeans, lower back tattoos seemed to add a sexy touch. However, many women have outgrown that fad. Also, as women get older, the effects of aging doesn’t look that great on this once sexy tattoo.

A lot of people, both men and women, get tattoos on their backs. They are usually big tattoos and sometimes cover most of their backs. It is not easy to remove such a large tattoo. Upper back tattoos usually are very intricate. They can cover parts of your upper arms as well.

Although back tattoos are mostly a beautiful form of body art, it is very hard sometimes especially for a woman to wear them. There is a certain stigma attached to tattoos. It can be a cause for embarrassment. So many women are getting rid of their tattoos.

The beautiful butterfly on the lower back that used to be so popular has lost its popularity and instead the term “tramp stamp” has been coined to refer to a tattoo in this area.

There are many ways of getting rid of your tattoo. Discover what your options are. There are at least fifteen different techniques of tattoo removal. Find out which one is right for you.

Here are some ways:

  • Excision. Surgical cutting out of your tattoo. This is carried out by a medical doctor.

  • Tattoo removal by laser. This is usually performed by a dermatologist. Even though this is the most used way of removing a tattoo, it is expensive. It requires several treatment sessions. It is also very painful and can leave scarring.

  • TCA. This was the method most commonly used before laser. TCA can be used at home. It is a non prescription peeling agent which gradually fades and/or removes your tattoo.

  • Other at home tattoo removal methods, such as dermabrasion and tattoo removing creams.

You should consider several factors, in order to make the most informed decision. Some of these factors are:

  • cost for removal your tattoo

  • effectiveness of method

  • scarring possibilities

  • pain involved

  • time required for treatment and healing

Whatever you do, make an informed decision for your back tattoo removal. There will be one method which is the best for you. Choose that one technique and remove that unwanted tattoo.

Discover fifteen different ways for back tattoo removal, some more affordable than others. Don’t feel embarrassed anymore.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tattoo Removal: Getting Rid of That Tattoo

Tattoo removal is an industry in an of itself. What this means is that many people who once thought it was a great idea to have a tattoo end up regretting it and removing the tattoo. It is estimated that 50 percent of the people who get tattooed end up removing them.

Tattoos were not always cool

Tattoos were not always that accepted or desirable. In fact, you were considered to be on the fringes of society if you had a tattoo. It was not until about the 1960s when some artists started wearing them and making this a popular trend. Janis Joplin was one of the first crusaders in this ever growing industry. It was in the 1980’s that the tattoo industry grew. Now tattoos have become socially acceptable, and part of the mainstream of society.

Celebrity Tattoos

Angelina Jolie is the most famous female screen star who boasts anywhere from seven to twelve tattoos. She has a tiger, among others, and her famous Billy Bob tattoo (for her ex-husband). Johnny Depp had a “Winona forever” tattoo which he modified to “Wino forever” after his break up with Winona Ryder. Pamela Anderson changed a tattoo on her left finger from “tommy” (for her ex-husband Tommy Lee) to “mommy”.

Tattooing became big

More and more people are imitating the celebrities and “inking” their bodies. Even though many end up removing their tattoos, it is still a very big industry. So now many fans and followers of celebrities are faced with the question of removing their tattoos.

Oops, I made a mistake!

Some people may have gotten a tattoo of a loved one, and have since ended that relationship and moved on to another. Some may have a tattoo representing an association with a street gang, of which they want no part anymore. Others may be finding it hard to find the job they want because of their tattoos.

What do you do if you realize you made a mistake? You do not want this tattoo anymore. Whatever your reason is for tattoo removal, you would like to find a solution for removing your tattoo.

There are many different solutions for tattoo removal, from surgery to at home remedies. Make sure you make an informed decision. Discover all your options.

Learn about 15 different proven, safe ways for tattoo removal, and get rid of that unwanted tattoo once and for all.

Removal of Tattoo: A Growing Industry

Removal of Tattoo: A Growing Industry

The removal of tattoo has turned into a growing industry these days. Many people get tattoos every day. Some get it when they are very young and wild and it just seems like the thing to do. Some go out drinking one night, and end up with a tattoo. Some people just make the decision and believe they will want it for good, but then end up regretting it.

If you want to remove a tattoo, you are not alone. There are thousands of people with questions regarding tattoo removal out there. In fact, the tattoo removal industry is an industry of itself. It is estimated that 50 percent of the people that get tattoos end up wanting to remove them.

Removal of tattoo is not fun. It is also sometimes not very effective. Removing your tattoo is many times a lot more painful that getting it was, and costs a lot more as well. Here are some facts about tattoo removal:

Removal of Tattoo by Laser

The most common method used for tattoo removal is tattoo removal by laser. Nowadays there are many different options for tattoo removal, which are less costly than laser, but laser is still the most used practice for removing a tattoo.

Removing tattoos by laser is done by sending concentrated pulses of light through a laser to break up particles of ink on your top skin layer. Different wavelengths of light are used to treat the different colors of ink. A patient usually undergoes several treatments, depending on each specific tattoo. However, there is never a guarantee of complete success.

Removal of tattoo by laser does cause a lot of pain on the patient. It is a much more painful process than getting the actual tattoo itself, and usually some sort of anesthetic is administered to remove the tattoo by laser. There is usually blistering and scabbing after the sessions, which are scheduled anywhere from three weeks to three months apart. There is also a possibility of scarring.

Tattoo removal by laser takes anywhere from one to ten sessions, depending if it is a home made tattoo (which usually takes from 1 – 4 weeks) or a professional tattoo (which usually takes from 5 to 10 weeks). These sessions are expensive, ranging anywhere from $200 to $800. A large tattoo can cost thousands of dollars to remove.

Other Removal of Tattoo Techniques

There are a few different techniques that are possible to use to remove your own tattoo. You don’t have to undergo surgery or laser. There are several do it yourself and home tattoo removal procedures that are being used somewhat successfully every day.

TCA seems to be one of the most highly and safely recommended methods. This was the method that was mostly used before laser, which is a lot more costly.

There are also tattoo removal and tattoo fading creams. Of course, they are not all the same. Some work better than others.

There are about six different at home methods that are recommended. Then again, not all methods are suited for all individuals.

Removal of Tattoo Techniques Don’t Work That Well

Depending on the colors of the inks used, some colors will never come off, and the result will be a lighter tattoo, even after using removal techniques. Sometimes you may have to have your skin surgically removed and stretched to get rid of a tattoo entirely.

Some people cover up their tattoos instead of trying to remove them. They could leave an ugly scar in the shape of the tattoo, even with expensive removal techniques.

Rethink Getting a Tattoo

Before you get a tattoo, think it through. I know it seems like a good idea, but just think how many people regret it. They go through horrible ordeals to have them removed. Of course, the bigger the tattoo, the worse results you will probably have and the more pain and expenses you will have to endure.

For many people, getting a tattoo turns out to be the biggest regret of their lives. They are sometimes presented with having to go through as many as 20 sessions and paying hundreds of dollars a session to have them removed. If you are not wealthy, this is a big expense for many people.

And even after so many treatments, there are no real guarantees of a perfect removal, no matter what method you use.

Think of the opportunities that may also be taken from you because of the tattoos. Models have a hard time and many times lose jobs because of tattoos; some people always have to cover up their tattoos at work; think of getting older, when tattoos don’t look so cool; and think of the hindrance it might cause in a relationship where the other party does not really think it’s a “nice” thing to have.

The removal of a tattoo seems to be of great concern for many people. There are forums where a lot of serious talk goes on about this topic. The type of removal method, or procedure, you decide upon will be based upon your own personal factors.

Find out what type of removal of tattoo method would be the best suited for you. Discover the different factors which will aid you in your decision.

The removal of tattoo is a growing industry. 50 percent of the people people regret getting a tattoo. There are many methods to remove your tattoo. Discover which is the best method for you.

Tattoo Removal: Options for Your Unwanted Tattoo

If you are thinking about tattoo removal you are among the many who don’t know what made them do it. Fifty percent of the people who get a tattoo end up regretting it. Don’t blame yourself too much. This is an industry that the celebrities have really promoted, and as in many areas, Hollywood dictates many trends.

Celebrity Tattoos

Celebrity tattoos is the reasons why tattoos have become so popular in today’s society. Tattooing has been around for a long time, yet it did not become such a big industry until the Hollywood stars started adoring tattoos and showing them off publicly. Celebrity tattoos are symbols not only of fashion, but also of passion.

Many female celebrities are now wearing tattoos, and have removed the old perception of tattoos being classless. They are now seen as a classy and sexual body art. Celebrities use very refined methods of tattooing and the best artists to produce exquisite works of art. We know some of the top celebrities who are well known for their tattoos. They include Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Rihanna and Britney Spears, among others.

Not only screen stars, but also music and sport stars have embraced this industry and made it a widespread acceptable norm in the world of celebrities. One of the most famous celebrities who is known for having a large part of his body covered with ink is Dennis Rodman. Among his many tattoos he has a Harley Davidson, a shark and a cross.

Removing a Tattoo

Many people have been influenced by celebrities and have made a decision to get a tattoo which they have later come to regret. Unfortunately, it is not that simple to remove a tattoo and you have to find the way that is most suited for you.

Tattoo laser removal is the most widespread form of removing a tattoo. But it is painful and costly. Also, laser sometimes leaves a scar, so this might not be the right way for you.

There are at home tattoo removal remedies that a lot of people are using. Some are more successful than others. These include TCA, which was widely used before laser. There are also several kinds of removal and fading creams.

Discover the many options you have for tattoo removal from surgery to creams. Check them out. Make an informed decision.

Tattoo removal is very common. Today there are at least 15 different ways to remove a tattoo. Consider the option that is best suited for you and make an informed decision.